Gabriela Cristea și Tavi Clonda sărbătoresc astăzi împlinirea a patru ani de la nașterea micuței Iris, momentul în care au văzut-o pentru prima dată și au fost copleșiți de emoții: „Erai raza noastră de soare, ne-ai luminat viața când încă nu știam că ești în drum spre lumea noastră”.
Gabriela Cristea and her husband Tavi Clonda celebrated their youngest daughter, Iris, turning four years old. The family had a fairy tale-like party, filled with colors and joy. Gabriela paid attention to even the smallest details, matching her outfit in a fuchsia pink hue with Iris’s. Victoria, their older daughter, also helped with organizing the celebration. Gabriela’s TV tweet reads: „Victoria took her role as a big sister seriously and was an invaluable help to us at the party. She arranged the decor, took care of the candy bar, put the gifts in order, and was the soul of the party.”
For Iris’s birthday, Gabriela wrote an emotional message, saying that Iris had been the calmest baby for the first year of her life before her personality bloomed, surprising her family with her energy and joy. Gabriela added that she tries to keep the scent of every stage of Iris’s life and that she wishes her the best of luck in life and gives her all her love.
Gabriela and Tavi moved their daughters from a private to a state kindergarten, now paying 40 lei per day. Tavi mentioned that he was happy with the kindergarten, despite the 82% tax increase, stating that they are not so expensive compared to private ones. The reason for their transfer was financial and the distance from home.
In conclusion, Gabriela Cristea and Tavi Clonda celebrated their youngest daughter, Iris, turning four with a fairy tale-like party, where even Victoria, the older sister, helped organize. Gabriela wrote an emotional message for Iris, and the family recently moved their daughters to a state kindergarten due to financial and distance reasons.