Andreea Raicu, despre încheierea relației cu Tudor Chirilă: „Am trăit o relație lungă și toxică timp de șapte ani”.

Andreea Raicu and Tudor Chirilă were one of the most beautiful couples in the entertainment world. According to Andreea Raicu, they ended their relationship after 7 years when it became toxic. They did not provide any explanation for their breakup at the time, but Andreea Raicu recently spoke about their sensitive subject, hoping to set a good example for the women who follow her on social media. She revealed that their relationship had become extremely toxic and happiness had been lost over time.

Andreea Raicu spoke highly of Tudor Chirilă, describing him as a very complex person with whom she lived a lot and from whom she learned a lot. She praised him for his intelligence, creativity, and talent, stating that she never got bored with him because he was more inventive and skilled than she was. In their relationship, Tudor often surprised her with dinner already prepared for her.

Despite the glowing praises, Andreea Raicu divulged that their relationship was characterized by ups and downs. She called it toxic, and they even had to go for therapy to deal with their issues. However, it has taken her years to muster the courage to talk about what happened.

Recently, Andreea Raicu posted an emotional message on social media, particularly on the day her father died twenty years ago. She confessed that one of her biggest regrets was not telling her father that she loved him. Her relationship with her father was not very close, and this had troubled her for many years. Andreea encouraged people to express their affection to their loved ones, even through simple words like „I love you.”

Andreea Raicu, one of the most famous and beautiful TV stars in Romania, offered insights into her life and childhood in a podcast interview. She talked about her debut in the modeling and TV industries, as well as how her father humiliated her as a child. Furthermore, she discussed how her mother’s absence during her formative years affected her.

In her childhood, Andreea Raicu was a happy, pampered child, always surrounded by people looking after her. She confessed that she missed her mother a lot, who spent a lot of time away from home due to her job, and this caused her to behave like a boy. She loved climbing trees, jumping over fences, and detested wearing dresses. When she reached adolescence, she lacked self-confidence and desperately needed validation from the people around her.

Andreea Raicu’s parents had strict rules for her education, which she often found confining and led to her rebellious behavior. Nevertheless, her parents knew how to handle her well. Overall, Andreea Raicu’s childhood was complicated, and the traumas she endured molded her into the person she is today. She encourages people to always express their emotions and to let their loved ones know how much they love them.