Cum s-a simțit Adina Buzatu după aflarea veștii despre moartea lui Stephan Pelger. Vedeta este profund afectată: ”Era o persoană importantă pentru mine”.

Stephan Pelger, a renowned fashion designer, has recently passed away, leaving the fashion world in shock and mourning. Adina Buzatu, a close friend and colleague of Pelger, was devastated by the news of his death. In an interview with Antena Stars, Buzatu shared her reaction to Pelger’s passing and described their friendship.

Buzatu and Pelger were good friends and shared a love for fashion. Buzatu always supported him and tried to offer him encouragement during difficult times, especially regarding his struggles with addiction. Pelger preferred to avoid discussing these sensitive topics, which he struggled with throughout his life.

Buzatu was shocked to hear the news of Pelger’s death while behind the wheel of her car. Despite numerous visits to clinics and receiving proper treatment, Pelger’s condition seemed to be worsening, forcing him to find strength to overcome this difficult time. Although they hoped for the best, he ultimately succumbed to his struggles.

Recently, the two had met, and Pelger’s behavior suggested nothing out of the ordinary. As Buzatu recalled, she urged him to always strive to do his best and to find motivation to create beautiful things, as she knew he was very talented.

Pelger had been struggling with latent depression, insomnia, and various addictions to illicit substances. His problems stemmed from his childhood and family life, and he was ultimately alone, without any close family members.

In conclusion, the world of fashion has lost a talented designer, and Adina Buzatu has lost a close friend. Pelger’s death is a reminder of the importance of mental health awareness and the need to support those struggling with addiction. His legacy will continue to live on in his beautiful creations and his impact on the fashion industry.