Care este pedeapsa pe care o pot primi Andrew și Tristan Tate pentru infracțiunile lor? Cosmin Bolosin, avocatul lor, a acordat un interviu exclusiv pentru Antena Stars în care a precizat: „Există cinci capete de acuzare…” / VIDEO

Andrew and Tristan Tate have been charged with serious accusations, including human trafficking and other organized criminal actions. Recently, their lawyer, Cosmin Bolosin, revealed important details about the punishment that the two brothers could face. Bolosin indicated that there are five distinct charges against them, each of which carries a different punishment.

One of the accusations against them is being part of an organized criminal group, which carries a sentence of three to ten years in prison for each member. Additionally, for the alleged human trafficking, the sentence is between three to ten years in prison.

For the crime of rape in a continuous form, the maximum sentence can reach up to 12 years in prison. Illegal access to a computer system attracts a sentence of two to seven years in prison, while for the crime of assault or other violence, the sentence can be between one to five years in prison.

Bolosin emphasizes that, taking into account these maximum sentences for each crime, the highest possible punishment would be up to ten years in prison. However, he points out that, if found guilty, the sentences could be considerably higher, given that Romania applies the maximum sentence.

Andrew and Tristan Tate are Romanian millionaires known for their flamboyant lifestyle and their appearance in the reality show „The Power of 2”. They have been in detention since June 2021, when they were arrested by the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT). The two brothers have denied the accusations and are awaiting trial.