Andrei Neagu analizează starea actuală din cele două triburi în cadrul Survivor România: „Încearcă să atragă simpatia prin metode teatrale.”

Survivor Romania reached the midway point of this season, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that the Faimoșii and Războincii tribes are going to fight harder than ever from now on. After shocking injuries, surprising eliminations, and intense conflicts, the eleventh week began today. Andrei Neagu started tonight’s commentary by considering the discussions in the red tribe following DOC’s elimination. Bianca, Ștefania, and Ada seem ecstatic, while Ionuț feels it’s a considerable loss.

Regarding DOC’s departure, Andrei expresses surprise and disbelief, saying, „I would have thought they’d get along better in camp. His departure is shocking. Either he couldn’t handle homesickness, or I don’t know what to say.” Andrei also highlighted the other discussions in the tribe initiated by Mihai and Remus, as well as Ionut’s statements. „I don’t know what Zmarandescu is trying to show, but I think it’s behaviour that is unworthy. It may be due to his experience, activity or age, that he ends up talking like that with Remus, but I don’t agree with such appellations. Iftimoaie is a person who hides some things, although he tried to seem very fair. He’s sometimes manipulative, and that’s evident. Remus, since he returned to captivity, seems to be getting nicer, he brings the most points. He’s liked by almost everyone, even though the boys want to be against him.”

It isn’t just the Faimoși tribe that’s facing conflicts. It seems that Alin Chirilă, the MMA fighter from the Războincii tribe, is getting more vocal: „The fact that Alin gave food to Remus is more of a small lie. I believe that Alin wants to stand out or make a bit of theatre to gain some more supporters. He considers himself the God of the team or the show, so he’s trying to impress,” comments Neagu.

The evening continued, as expected, with the Captivitate (captivity) game, about which Andrei Neagu says, „I think it’s very cool! The games are funny, but the stakes are immense. And today, they had an excursion in Punta Cana. Something different happens every day, and that’s incredible. The fact that they have food in rewards gives you a certain power, no matter how weak you are.” Andrei continued his commentary, following the end of the game, which caught the Brazilian Lucianna in a state of total helplessness. Andrei says, „It’s known that the Faimoșii were better at strength games. I’m surprised to see Lucianna unable to advance, but I believe her. Since she doesn’t eat meat, it’s clear that she feels weak. However, considering that she has brought points on other occasions, she shouldn’t be judged. Her body didn’t help.”

From the predictable things, Neagu saw two moments of the evening: the fact that the Faimoșii captured Alin and that Alexandra Porkolab used the power she’d won a week ago to keep Remus away from the game field during the Immunity battle. „Alin’s choice is predictable. He proved to be the strongest, but this can be a chance for others to offer some surprises. Porkolab’s choice, strategically, is the best. Remus is strong, and he’s likely to reach the Individual, so it seems perfect,” he said.

Naturally, the commentary wouldn’t be complete without noting one of the most surprising images from Survivor: Ada Dumitru served her penalty and didn’t leave for Punta Cana with her colleagues. Alone on the island, she demonstrated how quickly you can lose your daily vibe. Neagu comments, „Ada alone on the island.. is a great opportunity! Let’s see her amusing and free. I’m an actor, and I’m glad to see how she lives. Even if Ada’s image isn’t high in the viewer’s eyes now, I really like what she did on the island.”

Survivor continues tomorrow and Wednesday, on PRO TV, starting at 8:30 pm.